Honoring Wentzville Fire Department

by | Where We Serve

16 Oct 2023

Today, we made the rounds to Wentzville Fire Protection District.

The Wentzville Fire Protection District covers 88 square miles located in the western part of St. Charles County.  The Wentzville FPD is led by Chief John Schneider. He commands 54 firefighters operating from five stations and they are backed up by seven more folks working in Administration.  It’s a team and it takes everybody.

We got lucky this week and got the volunteer shirt onto, Smokey Barb and she even got into one of the photos with the firefighters.  We were short on our regular delivery crew so she stepped up for the day since there was a break in her regular grandma duties.  Thanks, Smokey Barb!

Crossed Heart BBQ depends on donations from the public to honor first responders serving in our community.  If you’d like to keep this going then please consider a tax-deductible donation.  You will be doing good!