Accent Group Solutions

Our Mission is made possible through the generous giving of our partners

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1154 Reco Ave.

St. Louis, MO 63126


Accent is Honored to be a
Crossed Heart BBQ Mission Partner

Philanthropy, Service to Others, Support in our Community. These are values we hold near and dear. We support our First Responders. We put people first.

Our dedication to the Special Needs Community defines us, hosting three separate programs; the Vocational Skills Program (VSP), Summer Work Experience Program (SWEP), and Community Based Vocational Instruction (CBVI).

Crossed Heart BBQ’s values align with ours and that makes this partnership a natural fit. It makes sense that we support an organization that has such a selfless and pure mission. We will do all we can to ensure their success.

Accent and Crossed Heart BBQ

Together We Deliver